How to build Green?
If nothing else - Go green for the greenback! To design and build energy efficient means more money for you. And if it means you sleep better at night because you are lowering your carbon foot print, kudos to you. It makes an impact. Per the Department of Energy households accounted for 21.8% of total energy consumption in the United States in 2014.
In addition to substantially cutting your energy bill, building a sustainable, high-performance house results in a home that is much more durable. How about hat? Enjoy a low maintenance home.
There are at least 3 straightforward means by which to create a more sustainable modern home:
Solar panels
There is absolutely no reason for you not to install photovoltaic solar panels with your house. Here in North Carolina it can be:
No more excuses. Make some money!
Build Smart
There are tried and tested simple design considerations and construction methods that don’t have to cost you much. For example:
Capture the southern sun with overhangs. It let’s the lower winter sun in and keeps the higher summer sun out.
Avoid large windows to the west. Or you will be baked in the evening hours.
Button up the skin of your home to keep the conditioned air inside.
Increase the insulation and make it continuous.
When stick build, frame to maximize your insulation coverage.
There are hundreds of these. They will reduce your energy expenses and consumption drastically. Expect more from your home.
Certification Programs
Expand on the first two. Simply follow the guidelines of a certification program such as:
HERS Rating
Energy Star
NGBS Green
LEED for Homes
NC Green Built
DOE Zero Energy Ready
PHUIS - Passive House
There are plenty of measures to pick and chose from to save on energy and make it renewable. We’ll be happy to set you up with all the right resources.
Reach out!
We will hook you up.