Wittehaus’ Gerendák Meets the Bechtler Museum
Wittehaus’ Gerendák hosts the Bechtler Museum of Modern Art and an exclusive group of museum supporters

Webinar: Supersizing Bliss - Design, Wellbeing, and the Superpower of Architects
a webinar by Toby Witte of Wittehaus for small firm architects of the EntreArchitect community

School of Architecture Symposium: House(ing)
an exhibition and symposium, titled House(ing), at the UNCC School of Architecture, showcasing our Cohen Davis Residence and Toby Witte on a panel

Kickin' Mud
a site and office visit by architecture students of UNCC’s College of Arts + Architecture

“Creative Discovery - The Curious and Rigorous Beast” A Lecture by Toby Witte
thoughts on the design process, abstraction, and the creation of space

A Member Home Tour of Gerendák by the IWF Carolinas
a home tour of the Gerendák residence by members of the International Women's Forum Carolinas

Supersizing Bliss - The Book Party - The Second Read
THIS TIME FOR REAL FOR REAL - get yourself a copy of Toby’s new book Supersizing Bliss, grab a free beer, and celebrate with us the official release of the book

AIA Charlotte Modern Home Tour
join the Modern Home Tour of the Charlotte Chapter of the American Institute of Architects - including one of our designs

Live and On-Line: Toby on Context & Clarity discussing Supersizing Bliss
join the live online conversation with Context & Clarity Host Jeff Echols, Co-Host Katie Kangas, and Wittehaus principal Toby Witte to discuss his book Supersizing Bliss

CANCELED - Supersizing Bliss - The Book Release Party
get yourself a copy of Toby’s new book Supersizing Bliss, grab a free beer, and celebrate with us the official release of the book

Mad About Modern - Kick Off Talk
a short talk with Jim Owens of Alter Architects, interviewed by Toby Witte of Wittehaus, in conjunction with the Charlotte, NC, Mad About Modern home tour

UNCC College of Architecture 50th Anniversary Symposium and Gala
To see our work celebrated, visit the Lambla Gallery in the School of Architecture at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in conjunction with their 50th anniversary celebration.

Sites and Sounds
a site visit and structural study by architecture students of UNCC’s College of Arts + Architecture

TEA WITH TOBY - This Week - A Chat With Michael Schlütter
sustainable building materials and wasteful spec homes

TEA WITH TOBY - This Week - Budget Blueprint: What do I pay for and how much?
what do I pay for and how much?

TEA WITH TOBY - This Week - Build your Builder. What Do You Expect?
what do you expect?

TEA WITH TOBY - This Week - Does this make any sense at all? A conversation about Value?
does this make any sense at all?

TEA WITH TOBY - This Week - What Is It You Want, You Say?
what are you asking of the design process

TEA WITH TOBY - This Week - Get Your Modern
what barriers to your own modern home we have to break down

TEA WITH TOBY - This Week - Storage - My Needs + Hiding Spots
storage and the stuff you hord

TEA WITH TOBY - This Week - What do you want from your kitchen?
what do you want from your kitchen - all bets are off